Nissan Repair: 2002 Maxima - Check Engine, TCS, SLIP lights on, smog control, computerized control systems

My wife was driving her 2002 Maxima today and noticed a sudden "lurch".  A couple hours later, I had trouble;e starting the car.  When it started the "check engine", "SLIP" and "TCS Off" light came on and stayed on.  Any ideas where we should be looking for the problem?  The dealer will be doing a diagnostic tomorrow, but I'm looking for a first/second opinion I can bounce off of theirs.  Thanks for the help.


The Slip and TCS light indicate a problem with traction control.  It is a 2002 and you should get the brake fluid changed as part of their service.  The check engine light indicates a problem with one or more of the computerized control systems that manage the fuel injection and smog control devices.  Once you have these codes you will know what sensor or sensors are going out or defective.  Email me the codes they tell you.