Nissan Repair: gears dont like between neurtal & drive, drive question, wrecking yard
QuestionQUESTION: Hello how are you i want to know for my 96 maxima the gears are not locking from neurtal to drive or its not locking and i think u can move it from reverse all the way to drive without pressing the button....once its in drive its locked. But if i wanna go to lets say neutral all i have to do is press the shifter with pressing the button on it do u know what could b causing that...
When i put it on a gear it stays there but its not locking like it used too.
The shifter needs to be disassembled and inspected. Sounds like the locking cam is worn out of has come loose. Have the shifter pulled and inspected.
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QUESTION: Do u know if that would be an expensive fix and is it neccessary to fix it cause its not moving outta gear by itself or nothing and i still press the button to switch gears jus in case
As long as you are aware of the problem and no one else is driving the car, unless they know too, you could drive it like this as long as you wanted. If you really wanted it back to original you could replace the shifter assembly with a used one from a wrecking yard.