Nissan Repair: 1986 NISSAN HARDBODY D 21, nissan hardbody, pencil eraser
QuestionQUESTION: My speedomoter and temp guage quit at the same time.After awhile they came back on then a went out again.Now they will not come back on.Can you please help.Thank you
Remove the instrument cluster and clean the contacts with a number 2 pencil eraser by lightlyh rubbing the contacts on both the harness and the cluster. Blow off the dust and reinstall and you might get lucky. Email me back if this does not work.
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QUESTION: I am sorry but I do not know how to find the instrument cluster.Can you help me so I can try and clean the contacts?Thank you so much
The cluster is the thing with all the gauges in it. There are trim screws that have to be removed to get access tot he four screws that hold the cluster in. Then it is a matter of pulling it forward and disconnecting the harness. Once is comes out you clean the contacts on both the cluster and the harness.