Nissan Repair: Nissan X-Trail wont start after changing battery, nissan x trail, petrol tank
QuestionHi Von.
I have an 03 Nissan X-Trail 2.5 SVE (Petrol). A few weeks ago, the car refused to start because the battery was dead. I soon found out that one of the leads to the battery had loosened so it wasn't getting charged. I tightened it up and all was well again. Yesterday, it wouldn't start again. I found that the battery lead had become loose again, so I removed the battery and charged it up. When I connected it up again this morning, the engine still won't start. The battery has a full charge and the engine turns over very fast, but there is no sign of anything firing. My first guess was that the immobilizer was on. I should point out that the petrol tank was very low and I have since emptied a 5L fuel can into it. I live in Bulgaria (though I bought the car in England# and the temperature is currently -20C. I was wondering if there was any magic dance I have to perform since replacing the battery #key to the ON position for 5 seconds while throwing salt over left shoulder etc.# or whether I'm going to have to get a Bulgarian garage to sort it out. I don't really want to get a Bulgarian mechanic to do it because their tool of choice in delicate situations is the lump hammer). Any help gratefully appreciated. Andy
P.s: I have installed a new battery #fully charged overnight) and added another 10 litres of petrol - but still no joy.
The problem is probably related to the cold weather and the lack of fuel, initially. A small squirt of ether (starting fluid) in the intake tract and the engine should start. Other causes should be the spark plugs. Email me back and let me know if this solves the problem. Oh, another thing that can cause your problem is the low battery causing fuses like the one to the fuel pump to pop.