Nissan Repair: nissan vq 20, interference engine, couple websites

QUESTION: how do you repair the timing

ANSWER: Hi Damion -

Please be more specific - are you talking about the adjusting the timing, the belt, cover?

Are you planning to do this yourself, do you have tools?

Please get back to me -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the timing chain break and need the timing sequence for the engine

Hi Damion -

Replacing the timing belt is a detailed and lengthy process, too detailed for this forum. Everything has to be removed sequentially, and replaced without error. Also, it is VERY important to have the belt lined up EXACTLY as needed, otherwise the car will never start up again.

So, with that said, I will direct you to a couple web sites and you can navigate into it and enter your car information, and get the step by step instructions.

Also, if the timing belt broke, then you need to find out if you have an interference engine. The mechanic will tell you if you have one or not. If you do, the work will be expanded to include a valve job too.

Here are a couple websites for you:

Hope this helps -