Nissan Repair: nissan 1995 altima 2.4L sputtering, fuel pressure gauge, volt ohm meter
QuestionI have this altima and I was driving alone for about 10 mins then it started sputtering I got gas and then it wouldnt start up..had a shop look at it.. they couldnt figure it out but they ended up burning up the starter. So I towed it home, replaced the starter myself and back to the original problem of not running.. it will run a few mins at idle if you hit the gas it will sputter and stall. after about 3 times I have to take plugs and clean the black carbon off and then I can repeat the process.
after this weekend I ran it sucessfully for a few mins then I actually took it up the block and back no problem went some more and then it stalled out.....hmm
There are a couple of things with the Altima from 1995. First, the converter could be melted shut causing hard start and then no run. Removbe the converter and inspect it for blockage. Second, the air meter has issues with failure and not throwing codes. Get a Haynes Manual and check the unit using a digital volt ohm meter. Lastly, get a fuel pressure gauge and screw it into the fuel rail and check the pressure with the key on. The turn the key off. If the pressure drops to zero quickly, as in immediate, there are some leaky injectors. This can be verified by those black plugs. Those wet would be the ones with leaky injectors. Verify the electronics on the injectors with an ohm meter too. One last thing is check the distributor for oil on the optical shutter wheel. If you remove teh cap, rotor, rotor post and cover you can see if there is oil on it. If there is oil the short term fix is to clean it off but the long term is to get a rebuilt distributor.