Nissan Repair: Lower Control Arm replacement 99 Altima, wheel car, control arm
QuestionI wanted to know how difficult it is to replace a worn out lower control arm on a 99 altima? I have been putting it off and really need to get it done now or else my car might just come apart and lose all steering. I have the parts ordered but I don't know how I will get underneath the car with enough clearance to really work on it. I just have a regular jack so I would really have to jack the car up really high in order for me to have any room to even work on it. Should I just leave this to the professionals. I don't have much money and would like to save any money I can but if it too hard I might as well get someone else to do it who has a nice lift. If I had a lift I wouldn't have any problems. Any tips you can give me should I tackle this myself. How much should a shop charge for labor if they use my parts? How much would they charge if they charge for everything parts and labor? Is it safe to drive on this or wheel my wheel car come apart if I wait till it gets too bad? I have heard many stories and they are scary.
Answerwith all the questions and doubtfulness of your words, i advise you to take this to a shop. maybe on a car that isn't demanded daily you can practice wrenching your own tools, but on this repair i would suggest leave it to the professionals. it would run you 2 hours labor at most. please get the repair done ASAP, parts don't really give a 10 mile warning, they just break and could be fatal to you and others. best of luck to you and happy holidays.