Nissan Repair: Harmonic Balancer, nissan pathfinder, harmonic balancer

1996 Nissan Pathfinder....Harmonic balancer disrupting the harmony of my life

I have been able to get the balancer off the truck, however I am having great difficulty getting it back on. I have heard a suggestion to boil it in oil, but this would make it pretty hard to work with i would think, and was wondering if it would damage the rubber at all?
I have not been able to identify any installation tools that would work on the pathfinder. The 3.3 appears to have an abnormally long crank (at least in relation to all the tool kits i have rented/come across). This means that all of the installation kits are not able to reach the threads,thus preventing me from being able to use that to pull on. I tried using a section of threaded rod, but the threads were too course, and the metal too soft to pull the balancer on the crank. Should it be so hard? even wacking on it with a hammer (wood inbetween to prevent damage) only got it on so far. How do I compleat this task as it appears to be a pressed on fit?


Hi Dave -

Funny. I like that. (the harmony part, that is not the fact that you are having trouble!)

Well, the only thing I can think of is that you have to make certain that the balancer is being installed straight on to the shaft. If there is any angle to it, it will cock and be stuck. When I replace these, I usually use some synthetic oil around the shaft to help ease it on, then if I do need to use some "motivation" I take a large socket, just larger than the shaft, place it on the balancer and tap it in.

Hope this helps -
and you get harmony back in your life -