Nissan Repair: 2004 Xterra, O2 sensor/cat converter, oxygen sensors, o2 sensors
I am in some desperate need of some unbiased advice. I have a '04 Xterra V6 3.3L and my check engine light is on with the codes P0430, P0328 and apparently had Po132 (but that one isn't showing now). I had a diognostics done and they want to replace my entire exhaust manifold, along with all 4 O2 sensors, and the knock sensor. I have been told that I can put of the knock sensor, so my question is if I should first get all the oxygen sensors replaced, and then see if I truly need the cat converter??I am unemployed and can't afford the ridiculous prices they are trying to charge me here in the san francisco area. My car is running fine, put I don't want to put things off and have bigger problems later. Any information would be extremely helpful!!
AnswerHi Kim -
All the codes are related, so it is very likely that one small issue could be causing the codes to appear. Have you put any kind of additive in the fuel or changed fuel stations recently?
If the car has no driveability problems, then it should not be important to replace things right away. Sometimes the codes clear itself. Try disconnecting the battery for about a minute and reconnect.
Anyway, please get back to me with your answers, and we can go to the next step -
Hope this helps -