Nissan Repair: 2001 Nissan Sentra GXE, nissan sentra, left front tire

I have 2 questions really and don't know much about cars, but I would like to be informed before taking it to a shop as to be less likely to be mislead. My clock keeps time correctly but the light went out and occasionally will light up for a few seconds and then go back out. I think it might be a short because when I hit a bump it flickers on and off. Also recently my car seems to be making and swishing(sort of) noise in the left front tire area, its more pronounced when I make a left hand turn. Are these things a family member can fix or will it need a professional.


The light is either loose or the bulb needs replacement.  Remove your clock and remove the bulb.  Radio Shack sells the bulb for much less than the dealer.  $10 bucks for two at the dealer and about $2 for one at Radio Shack.  Sounds like there is something rubbing on the left side wheel well.  I would look under the car to see if the fenderwell has come loose or if the brake pads need replacement.