Nissan Repair: 95 Nissan Altima, camshaft sensor, crankshaft sensor

Our 95 Altima was giving us a camshaft sensor code when the engine light came on and the car would not start. We replaced the camshaft sensor, the rotor, & cap, and the air filter. Now the car will start but only run for 5 minutes and then die, after we do that 5 or 6 times to get the engine hot it will finally stay on. We can't figure out what is causing this. Also, the crankshaft sensor has no volts when we test it. Could that be the cuase? Help.

Hi Michelle -

Most of the sensors that integrate with the computer work on milli-volts. So, if you are using a light tester, or a meter not capable of a small measurement, then you will not see a reading. Be careful not to get voltage to the terminals (such as a circuit tester light). Might burn it out.

Have you replaced the ignition module in the distributor? That comes to mind when it runs then dies.

Hope this helps -