Nissan Repair: Pathfinder violently shaking & seervice engine soon light, autozone, reconnecting
QuestionI have a 2001 Pathfinder. Several years ago the `service engine` light came on and it started to periodically shake violently. My mechanic fixed a sensor or 2 and the shaking went away. The light stayed off for awhile and then came back on. The light has been on for 4 years now but the shaking never returned until last week. It has shaken violently only a couple of times. What could be the cause? I`ve read that just disconnecting and reconnecting the battery may help. Thank you.
AnswerHi Martha -
Disconnecting the battery will not help. Although it will clear the engine light temporarily, it will return with all that shaking.
There is a plethora of sensors that could cause the light to activate, and being that it is on while the engine is running rough, there is definitely an issue. You will need to take it to get an OBD (On Board Diagnosis)where a device is plugged in to your car's computer, and the code (why the light is on) is retrieved. There are literally hundreds of reasons why this light will go on, some issues worse than others. Once the code is displayed, the source of the problem can be traced and repaired.
I do not know where you are from, but if you have an Autozone in your area, a lot of my clients are happy with them.
Hope this helps -