Nissan Repair: nissan primera gt driveshaft, nissan primera gt, cotter pin
Questionhow do i change right hand side driveshaft
The driveshaft comes out after some difficulties. Jack up the car and support it with stands. Remove the tyre/wheel assembly. Remove the center cotter pin and nut. Disconnect the tie rod end. Get under the car and remove all the bolts on the intermediate shaft. Follow the CV driveshaft to a carrier bearing and you will see the bolts that hold the two together. Not too much room and if I remember they are 12 or 13 millimeter bolts. After you have these loose you move the driveshaft out of the bearing, on the spindle by turning the spindle assembly and once it clears drop it down and get a rebuilt unit to replace it with. Assembly is the reverse of removal. Use a new cotter pin once the nut is tightened. Tighten the inner bolts diagonally a little at a time until all are tight.