Nissan Repair: 82 Nissan 720 4x4 transmission removal, nissan 720, nissan repair
1982 Nissan 720 "King Cab" 4x4 5speed manual Z24 engine
The transmission is already loose. I can't get past torsion bars and the front third member, and the tail shaft is getting stuck between cross member and the floor pan. Which one(s) do I need to remove to get it out and on the ground.
I saw the answer you gave someone else at:
But it was for 2x4 not 4x4 and it was an '86 not specified if it was the first half of '86 or the last half....two different body styles that year.
Yours is easier to pull the engine and transmission as an assembly. You do not want to mess with the torsion bars as they have a lot of energy stored and they can hurt you or worse. Also, if it is an 82 there is probably rust on the connections and you do not want to be out the expense to replace or repair so it is just easier to pull the transmission with the engine. Probably not what you want to hear but that is only my opinion. Too much stuff in the way to just drop it.