Nissan Repair: Malfunctioned Air Intake System, infinity qx4, mass airflow sensor
QuestionThe tester used on my 1999 Infinity QX4 reads malfunction in the air flow intake system with -40 deg F. I replaced the airflow meter together with the sensor and the problem continued with vehicle's engine going off while I am on the road, -40 deg F still showing on the tester.
If the mass airflow sensor was replaced along with the air inlet temperature sensor and you still get vehicle shutoff would lead me to look at the relay that runs the sensor first as well as the fuse. Also, if these are good then you need to look at the connector and the wires. You could remove the sensor and get a hair dryer and heat the sensor and see if you get a change. No change means the new sensor is defective or the wires are bad to the unit. In rare cases the pins on the ECM could be bad. So, disconnect the ECM and reconnect. Before you do this last step make sure the battery is disconnected and make darn sure you do not bend any pins when you do the reconnect. Lastly, make sure the grounds on the engine are in good order as I have seen several that have been wrecked with ground leads missing or loose.