Nissan Repair: 89 nissan rsentra, mass airflow sensor, volt ohm meter
Questionok 2 weeks ago my sentra was starting to run crappy it wouldn't idle very good when i was at a stop light in gear it would die a couple of times now it has died on the road and it was able to restart while the engine was hot now that it is cold it will not start
The two things that mess up on the Sentra are the Mass Airflow Sensor and the Catalytic Converter melting. I would get a Haynes Manual and a digital volt ohm meter and follow the directions to test the Mass Airflow Sensor. The converter should be removed and examined to see if the internals are melted. Also, a tuneup would be in order with new plugs, wires, cap and rotor to baseline the car. But, the Mass Airflow Sensor is the most common thing that fails. If you get it running before you do any work go to Autozone or Checker and get the computer codes read. Email me back with what you find.