Nissan Repair: 2001 nissan xterra, nissan xterra, haynes manual
QuestionHow do you remove the door panel from the driver's side door of a 2001 nissan xterra
I would really get a Haynes Manual or a factory service manual. But, here it goes... Take the cover off the door handle and remvoe the screw underneath. Remove the screw on the door latch pull cover. Remove the cover. Get a panel removal tool or a putty knife and pry the clips from the bottom of the door panel. Do a clip at a time to minimize breakage. Work around the panel along the bottom edge and along the sides. Once you have all loose check to make sure you have all screws removed. Then lift up over the window ledge and the panel comes off. Unplug the harness cables and switches and the panel should be free. Take your time so you do not break clips. Assembly is reverse removal.