Nissan Repair: A/C Hub and Clutch Assembly Repiar, haynes repair manual, clutch assembly
QuestionI have a 1999 Maxima. The repair is diagnosed as a failing compressor clutch pulley bearing. Needs hub and clutch assembly replacement. Repair cost is > $1k. I would like to repair myself and then sell the car. How difficult is the repair (not covered in Haynes repair manual), and is recovery of regrigerant discharge involved? Thx
If it is only the clutch you can do it yourself for about $300 bucks. Purchase the clutch assembly. Get snap ring plyers to remove the snap ring that holds the electromagnet. To remove the clutch itself you need to remove the center bolt. Then, pull the clutch. Now, use the snap ring plyers to get the electromagnet off. Unplug the connector and unscrew the wire clamp from the compressor. Install the new clutch electromagnet and replace the snap ring. Now, you will need to follow the instructions on the un-applied clearance between the clutch and the electromagnet. There are washers with the new clutch kit. I like to use the old ones as a baseline and check the clearance and add and remove as requried to get the clearance right. These washers do not go under the bolt but behind the clutch before installation. So, you will have to pull the clutch on and off a couple of times to get the clearance right. Then bolt it down. It is important that you get the clearance right. Too little clearance and the clutch will drag and too loose and it will slip when you turn the air on. Check the paper in the kit to get the clearance numbers. Of course I forgot to mention that you need to remove the belt after you get the center bolt off upon disassembly. Anyway, that is all there is to it. If the compressor is bad the center will not spin. That is, engine off you turn the center part by hand. If it spins with a little drag the compressor is good. If the clutch is locked and will not move the compressor is defective and will need to be replaced. If that is the case the system will need to be evacuated and recharged after you replace the compressor. Email me back if you need more.