Nissan Repair: camshaft piston sensor, nissan altima, chared
QuestionQUESTION: Hello. I Have a 98 nissan altima and it wont start. I hooked up a scanner to the car and it said I had a camshaft piston sensor circuit malfunction. I replaced the sensor and it still says the same thing. There is no spark going to the spark plugs. Can you please help me?
ANSWER: Jacob,
Check the distributor for oil on the optical pickup and shutter wheel. Disassemble the distributor where you have the rotor post removed and then the cover and you will see the disc and the pickup and receiver. Any oil and you have found your problem. Replace the distributor with a rebuilt unit.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I checked for the oil in the distributor and there was nothing. I also replaced the spinning piece because it was a bit chared. is there any way I could test the distributor? Thanks.
Check the ignition fuse and the relay if the distributor s good. You chould be able to check for proper operation by removing a plug wire and using a paper clip inserted into the boot. Hold it about a quarter of an inch from the block and have someone crank the key and look for spark. No spark means there is nothing triggering the coil to fire. You need to figure out if there is power going to the coil so check the ignition fuse.