Nissan Repair: Nissan Maxima 95 Transmission, nissan maxima 1995, volt ohm meter
QuestionQUESTION: I have Nissan Maxima 1995 and 122K miles on it. When I start moving, the transmission is switching gears from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3 and after that it's going back to 2 or overdrive is off. And after is switching back to 3 and from 3 to 4. When I press the pedal to the metal on stop sign, it is switching gears without problems. What is the problem? Do you have any idea?
ANSWER: Bogdan,
Have a transmission shop with a Nissan computer read your codes. Sounds like either the transmission computer or a servo is going out. But, you will need the codes read to be sure. This is a transmission specific event so you need to have someone with a speciality computer to read them.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I received the code "revolution sensor". I check the sensor and it is OK. The problem is still here
Replace the sensor anyway. If that does not correct the problem trace the harness back ot the computer and look specifically for breaks in the circuit and that the harness connectors are in good order. I like to use a volt/ohm meter for continuity checks. But, you can use a test ligth.