Nissan Repair: 96 Nissan Pkup KA24E no ignition, crank angle sensor, crankshaft position sensor
QuestionHave no ignition, replaced distributor assembly, still no spark. Aligned to TDC as Haynes 72030 manual, for distributor assembly replacement. Lack quality electrical diagrams for this 1996 Nissan SE pickup KA24E engine. Did measure 12Vdc at crank angle sensor in distributor. Still have two OBDII codes P0340 (Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction) and P1320 (Ignition Signal). Need more troubleshooting guidance.
If you replaced the distributor and you are getting no signal to the computer then you need to look at the distributor and make sure it is working properly. Get a digital volt ohm meter or test ligth and remove the distributor. Touch the signal wires. The distributor is supposed to put out a square wave. That is, on/off/on/off and if it is not doing this you need another rebuilt distributor. Second, the crank angle sensor should be replaced since you have a hard code. The sensor code is for the sensor and the ignition signal is telling you that the distributor is not providing the hall effect signal. Really, in the case of Nissan it uses an optical signal since there is a shutter wheel and an LED pickup and receiver.