Nissan Repair: Will Not Start in the Sun!!!, nissan maxima, degree weather
Questionhello, i drive a nissan maxima 2007 GLE ed that i have had for 3 yrs. Every summer i have a problem with the car. When it sits in the sun during the spring and summer, it will not start. If it sits in the sun during the winter then it is okay, but not if it sits in the sum when its hot too. if i park it in the shade in 90 degree weather then it will start. it is just when it is in the sun. I was thinking vapor lock, but i really do not know much about cars. How do i figure out what the problem is before i go and pay money fixing all sorts of things that are not even the problem?? Please help!! thank you!!
I can't imagine it getting that hot. But, I have seen some strange things on cars. I would have the fuel pressure checked under the hot conditions you describe. It is either going to be vapor lock or an electrical condition that is caused by excessive heat. Have the fuel pressure checked first and if it is good then have the body control module checked to make sure it is not enabling the security system. Email me back and let me know what they tell you.