Nissan Repair: 1997 Hardbody transmission, clutch linkage, neutral safety switch
QuestionQUESTION: Driving to work I down shifted and no 3rd gear - I shifted to 2nd - nothing - 1st - nothing 5th - nothing. I have the truck at home now. There is no noise, shifter works fine - feels like it's shifting into rear but - nothing works (no reverse) but 4th which seems to be fine. How do I fix this?
ANSWER: Jimmie,
If the transmission shifts and you have forth gear would lead me to think the shift forks are gone. The transmission will have to be removed to see what is going on with the shifter.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have this transmission almost out - all of the bolts are removed. There is a "spacer like" between the transmission and the bell house with 5 bolts - these are removed - everything is removed inside the truck. Do I have to remove the bell house as well?
The bellhousing comes out with the transmission. So, put the bolts back between the transmission and bellhousing. Now, remove the bellhousing bolts and starter and you should be able to slide the transmission back and out. Be sure the clutch linkage is taken off at the slave cylinder as are the reverse light and neutral safety switch. Lastly, get a block of wood and a jack to support the engine at the oil pan.