Nissan Repair: My Altima........I was told to ask the auto repair experts this question........., nissan altima gle, crankshaft position sensor
QuestionQUESTION: I want to make sure that the knock sensor is the cause of this before I purchase a new one. When you crank your car and it doesn't always start up, is that caused by a malfunctioning knock sensor? I actually don't have one on the car because the previous one literally broke. Some cases it takes a while before it ignites and other cases it'll ignite but it'll stop in the middle of ignition. I got a new distributor installed in the car as well. I was just wondering about this.
ANSWER: Hi Rydrell,
Yes, the knock sensor could cause this. Also there is a crankshaft position sensor that may be involved as well.
Question - I would need the year of you vehicle as well as if you are getting a check engine light on -
Hope this helps -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: 1995 Nissan Altima GLE, and yes, the check engine light is on.
AnswerHi Rydrell -
Thanks for the info. The best way to tackle this (since the CEL is on), is to take it and have the OBD (On Board Diagnosis) done to determine exactly what is causing the light to illuminate. Several hundred sensors turn this light on, so you are correct, you do not want to be guessing. Looks like Autozone has a pretty good price on this diagnosis. Once you retrieve the code, then you will know where to look.
Hope this helps -