Nissan Repair: car out of control on pot holes, nissan altima, wheel hubs

QUESTION:  I'm getting mixed answers on this one.
Should you drive with the O/D switch on at all times or only if you're going on a freeway? Will it damage your transmission if you do have it on all the time?
I have a 95 nissan altima- approx. 135,000 miles

ANSWER: Hello Barbara -

The Over Drive switch is like an additional gear for your transmission. It will kick in at higher speeds. The design is to have a lower gear ratio on this over drive selection, so the car can maintain high speeds with less transmission effort, thus saving on gas, and transmission wear.

In stop and go traffic, or just city driving, you would not want the overdrive to kick in, as it will have an adverse effect on gas mileage and transmission usage. You would turn it off in these conditions.

Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the previous info, this helps!
I have one more question: While I'm driving and I hit a pot hole, or man hole, and going around a left hand curve, the car seems to be making a screaling noise, like I'm spinning wheels, and when I hit a pot hole seems to go out of control, Do you know what I can check or change? I replaced the struts.95 Nissan Altima GXE Thanks

Hi Barbara -

Assuming that the struts are OK with no play, I would also look at the following:

Tie rod ends
ball joints
rack and pinion assembly
front wheel hubs

these are all parts of the front steering linkage and suspension, and could contribute to your problem.

Hope this helps Barbara -