Nissan Repair: sputter/fluttering, mass airflow sensor, fuel pressure regulator

QUESTION: Hi, and thank you for your help.

I have a '95 Nissan Quest GXE, with 141,940 miles on her.
I keep her well maintained with the records I keep.

Recently, last Nov. I replaced all 6 fuel injectors, the fuel pressure regulator and the two emissions recirculating devices that attach to the back of the upper intake manifold. This was due to age and some items being broke.

Desert Nissan had checked out the van and wanted over 3K to do all that to solve this problem. Occasionally the engine will 'flutter' not hesitate just like a fluttering feeling and then take off and resume normal operations. This is at anytime, hot or cold. Mind you I live in Las Vegas.

After I did all that work everything seemed fine and almost all of the fluttering feeling is gone. The fuel filter, and spark plugs and some other sensors have been replaced which have not been effective.

My tachometer and cruise control also hasn't worked but I don't think that would be a connection.

The fluttering doesn't occur or isn't felt at highway speeds just putting around at 5 to 45 ish miles per hour.

What do you think is causing this and if you know, where or would be the sensors that I would need to replace to make the cruise control and tachometer work again.

The van is great, underpowered though and I hope to hit 200,000 miles.

Thanks for help I appreciate it.

Will M.


I would almost bet the distributor or mass airflow sensor is going out.  If it is the distributor the car would hesitate.  So, we will stick with the mass airflow sensor.  Get a Haynes Manual and a digital volt ohm meter and check the mass airflow sensor and let me know what you find.  I live in Las Vegas, so if you want to stop by give me a call at 856-6604 on my cell.  Leave me a message since I work where I cannot take my cell during work hours.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Still working on it, I replaced the throttle positioning sensor which had electrical prob. Runs better now but still problem is there. I will get back to you. Stand by. I'll be in touch if I need ya, I'm gonna check the mass airflow sensor tonight I hope.

Will M.


Did you leave me a voice message on my cell?  The message was garbled and I could not understand the number.  Anyway, I live in Las Vegas.  So, email me back and we'll look over your vehicle.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Well, any advice now? I replaced the mass air sensor on my 1995 3.0 Nissan Quest as the manual suggested. The van runs better sometimes however the fluttering still comes and goes. The best description is one of a faulty fuel injection squirting too much fuel sometimes and then not enough fuel other times.

I am on the fence as to whether replace the distributor or to take it to United Nissan for them to figure out. Tomorrow I am going to buy a stethoscope to listen to the fuel injectors. They are all new/reman. and replaced at the same time at Christmas time. The fluttering still occurred after they were replaced but just a lot less.

The engine check light is not on either. I figure I might save more money if I bring to the dealership rather than continue to replace parts that don't solve the problem.

I contacted you Saturday morning as you asked me which is when I replaced the fuel filter and engine coolant sensor and then disconnected the neg. bat. cable for 10 minutes with no difference at all. ???????

If you're too busy for me please let me know so I can get it fixed before I have to take the van back to L.A. for my firefighter tests.

Thanks, Will Mills at  


Call me back and leave a number.  I was suffering on my sons BMW and worked fifteen hours straight.  I got your call and could not figure out how to call you back.  The number was garbled.  Call me anytime this week and leave a phone number and we'll get together.  I am in an office that I cannot bring my cell into.  So, call me at the 295-1097 number.  I am sorry we did not connect last weekend.  Thanks for the email as I was trying to figure out how to get in touch with you.  I have a cheapie phone since there are no camera phones allowed on our plant.  Yes, that's right, no camera phones and you cannot bring your phone in the building.  So, call me on the cell and leave a contact number or call me on the office number or email me at [email protected]