Nissan Repair: rotor bolt, spindle hub, cv driveshaft
QuestionThere is a large bolt holding the rotor on of my 1999 nissan sentra I think its a 30mm but I'm not sure.Its the bolt right in the middle of the rotor.
The center bolt holds the CV driveshaft to the spindle hub and does not hold the rotor. That is, if you are talking about the front rotor. Go to a parts store and they will sell you s speciality socket if you need to remove it. The rotor is only held on by the wheel being bolted on. To remove the rotor, the caliper and torque member that the caliper bolts to has to be removed. There are two bolts that hold the caliper on and then there are two, from the backside that hold the torque member on. Then, the rotor will come off. You might need to use a lubricant like Liquid Wrench and a dead blow hammer to knock it loose as the rotor and the spindle hub tend to rust together. Also, there are two small bolt holes in the hub area that you can screw bolts into to force the rotor loose.