Nissan Repair: 1994 Nissan Sentra, nissan sentra, light probe

I have a 1994 Nissan Sentra, manual 1.6 Liter. It's not consistent, but when I turn the key the normal lights on the dash come on and the engine does not start. There is no sound at all when this happens and usually when I try it later or press the clutch a few times it'll start up. There's been a few times when it wouldn't start for a couple of days though.
I've recently had a rebuilt starter put in and I just replaced the battery yesterday. It happened again this morning so I went out and tightened all the connections in the electrical system that I could find. Also, I'm not sure if the problem is related or not, but when the headlights are turned on the backlights for the clock, radio, and speedometer turn off. Sorry for leaving such a long post. Any assistance you could provide would be helpful.^^
Thank you for your time

ANSWER: Hi Brandon -

Question - after tightening all the connections did it start?

Could be the ignition switch (this is located in the steering column).

The light issue sounds like your headlight switch is shorted. Does it turn off even when the parking lights (only) are on?

Please get back to me -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes sir it did start up after I tightened the connections, but I'm still kinda paranoid about it since it doesn't do it all the time. I'll check the ignition and headlight switches since the backlights turn off even with just the parking lights. Thanks for your assistance.

HI Brandon -

I still think it could be the ignition switch. Yes, it is important that you check the headlight switch as well.

Question - do you have access to a 12V test light probe? If you do, we can do some troubleshooting -

Let me know