Nissan Repair: 1987 nissan sentra sensor light on, nissan sentra, smog test
Questionright at 90k miles my sensor light came on on my 1987 nissan sentra. i'm kinda getting low on money now and i want to know what the dealers do when this light goes on at 30,60 and 90k miles. here in ca they won't even allow you to take a smog test if any lights are on in the dash
thanks for your answer
AnswerHi Mark -
You are correct. This light automatically comes on at the specified mileage with the intention that you will take it in for service. This is the opportunity for the dealer to find other things "wrong" with the car and you know the rest of the story.
Normally what they do is just change the oil, check fluid levels, brakes and sometimes spark plug replacements. It could run big bucks if you let them get away with doing stuff that can wait.
What I suggest is try to reset it yourself. The 1987 Sentra reset relay is located behind the right kick panel (passenger side below dash). At 90,000 miles (145,000 km), disconnect the connector with the red/black wire and red/blue wire located above the fuse box. There should be either a hole you stick a paper clip in to reset it, or a button on that box, however I believe 90K is the max and last reset, so one would just disconnect the wire to the relay.
Hope this helps -