Nissan Repair: 1993 nissan truck, nissan truck, metric tools

The outside driver's side door handle on my 1993 nissan Kingcab pickup broke off, and I am looking for instructions on how to replace it myself, if it is something that can be done without a great deal of trouble. I would like to do this myself if possible since the dealership wants over $200 to replace the handle.

Hi Lance -

Yes, it is quite basic. I am assuming you have a set of basic metric tools.

The handle is removed by removing the inside door panel. You will need to pry it out with a putty knife or scraper (do not use a screwdriver, you might damage it). Sometimes it is held with additional screws at the top or middle by the door pull. Once the panel is removed, you can access the handle assembly from the inside. I think it is 2 10mm bolts to remove, and the linkage. The linkage is removed by undoing the plastic clip that hold the link into the lock assembly. You should have 2 links going to the handle, one goes to the lock, and the other to the inside door handle.

Hope thie helps -