QuestionQUESTION: hi
my car wont start for the first time, the headlights and all the interior lights
work. whenever i crank it, its not turning over. I drove to work no problems.
while i was at work, i was testing the fuses on the inside of the car. 2 hours
later my car wont start. I tried jump starting, but that doesn't help. I tried
disconnecting the battery and reconnecting it, but that doesnt help either.
does the fuse on the inside of my car has anything to do with it not starting?
I have a 2000 nissan maxima. please help.
ANSWER: Hi Nehemi -
Have you checked your starter?
Get your hands on a light tester (12V). Connect one end to the battery ground (or engine frame) and then the other end touch the small wire terminal of the starter. If it lights up, then replace the starter. If it doesn't, check the ignition switch, or the large circuit fuses located in the engine compartment on the fender.
Let me know how it goes -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I've tested my starter and its fine. My alternator is fine as well. I've tested all
the fuses, and they're all lighting up, both the interior and under hood ones. I
tested the Camshaft sensors and there's no juice there. Could it be my crank
position sensors are bad?
ANSWER: Hi Nehemi -
If it was the crank position sensor, the car would crank but not start. Since you got nothing, I don't think it is the CPS.
What kind of device are you using to measure voltage. The sensors use millivolts, so you might not get a reading if you are using conventional methods.
Also, I know you checked the starter, but did you check the power to the solenoid wire for power while someone is trying to start the car?
Let me know -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: my car does crank but not start, im sorry if i gave you the wrong information.
And i was using the conventional tester to measure voltage. And i didn't check
the power to the solenoid wire, i will do so asap. I've been hearing that its
common in maxima's that the security system on the car can sometimes shut
down the car, thus causing starting problems. Is that true?
AnswerHi Nehemi -
OK, don;t bother checking voltage at the starter. It is cranking, so I know the starter is OK.
Yes, you are right, now that it is cranking, perhaps it could be the CPS. Check to see that you have spark. To do this, pull out a spark plug wire, insert a screwdriver, hold it about 1/4" away from any metal surface, then have a helper crank the car. If there is no spark, then it is possibly the CPS. Usually, it will give an engine code though, do you have the engine light on? Otherwise it could be the distributor module.
If there is spark, then possibly the fuel cut off relay, and you are again correct, as it happens more times than not in Maximas.
Hope this helps -