Nissan Repair: 92 Maxima, will not start, Need Advice., nissan maxima, fence post
QuestionOk, so i have a 92 Nissan maxima. Dual cam V6 3000- for engine. I recently went into the ditch and put a fence post through my head light in which destroying a small relay box that was located behind the letf head light. in this box were 3 relays. 1. Corner lamp 2. Ign. coil 3. FICD... Now i replaced the box and relays, replaced headlights ect. id like to think i trust my wiring skills, however dont ask me why but there is a brown wire that did not have any where to go.. but heres the problem.. when i put key to acc. everything works, radio, headlights, blinkers, fan ect. But when i go to start my car, nothing happens.. car doesnt crank, turn, nothin. just silence. i tested starter, and checked all fuses i could find.. i have a curous suspician it has somthing to do with my security system, ive always had problems with that.. im just wondering if that little relay box could in fact have something to do with starting it.. i just dont know, need some ideas?
I would bridge the starter to see if it works. The wreck could have killed the fields in the case. So, check out the starter first. Second, the ralay box should be correct from what you said. I cannot remember what the extra wire is for. But, it does not go to the starter. The black/blue wire is for the starter.