Nissan Repair: 1997 Nissan Maxima starting problem, nissan maxima, battery check

I have a 1997 Maxima and it was sluggish when starting and then very difficult to start. I took it in for a battery check. At first they said it was fine. Then they finally took the battery out and tested it, then replaced it. It was fine for a few days. Now it starts sluggish again and today during warm weather and after driving it 30 minutes it was very hard to start. Back to the battery people and they said it was fine. I went to another mechanic and they tested the electrical and that was fine as well. Any suggestions?


Either the charging system is not performing properly or the starter is on it's way out.  I would have the charging system checked again.  Autozone or Checker will perform an electrical test for free.  You should be putting out 14 volts at about 1000 RPMs.  So, have it checked and email me back.