Nissan Repair: Car starting problems, nissan altima, electrical inspection

I have a 98 Nissan Altima with 186,000 miles. I noticed about a week ago while driving the car the radio would cut off at random times and the lights would dim and then the radio would come back on with no intervention from me. Then a couple of days later I tried to start the car turned the key and the lights flickered and a constant clicking occurred. I then turned the key to the "On" position the lights will flickered then turn solid and then I turned the key to the start position and it started. I changed the alternator, spark plugs, and replaced the battery posts about two months ago. I did not change out the wires, distributor cap, or rotor. I think its electrical where would you suggest I start.


First, if you can get the car to start go to Autozone or Checker and get a free electrical inspection.  They will bring their machine out to the car and do a system check and let you know if the alternator and battery are functioning properly.  From the sound of it you either have one of these defective or the ignition switch is wearing out and causing intermittent electrical contact for both accessories like the radio and in start mode.  Another place to check is the positive terminal.  Where the master fuses are you need to check to make sure everything is in order.  I know you said you replace the terminal posts.  But, is the connection good where the master fuses are?  Email me back if you require more.