Nissan Repair: 95 Maxima fluctuating idle / shutting off, throttle position sensor, mass airflow sensor
QuestionAs the tittle reads, my 95 Maxima will shut off at a red light, sometimes idles extra fast at startup - cold or hot restart - and it has a little "dead" spot in the throttle sometimes. It will hesitate at partial throttle around 2000 RPM. When it does, giving it more gas smooths it right out, so I don't thiunk I have a fuel problem.It will go for a day or 2 with no trouble, then act up when I get in heavy traffic. I also plugged in the code reader and there are no codes showing. Around 20K since last full tune-up. Knock sensor and 2 of 3 O2 sensors are fairly new Nissan parts (not aftermarket) - What could be wrong that would not show a code? Last time it acted up there was a code and easy fix...
Probably the mass airflow sensor is going bad. For some reason they do not throw a code when the blow. Get a Haynes Manual and a digital volt ohm meter and check the values in the book against the mass airflow sensor. Or, since you say a dead spot in the throttle would lead one to think the throttle position sensor could be going out. Those values are in the Haynes Manual too. Check the parts before you replace them.