Nissan Repair: Nissan Z24 cam timing, nissan z24, timing chain cover
QuestionHi, I just installed a rebuilt head on my 1984 Nissan 720 to pickup 4x4 and had no need or desire to remove the cam timing chain cover. I cannot be certain the bottom cam chain link is set properly at the crank. Do you know of an alternative method of setting the cam timing, rather than using the colored links on the chain? For example, lining up the reference numbers on the cam sprocket to some nearby engine feature, or perhaps pointing a number 1 cylinder cam lobe at a particular angle? thanks in advance,
AnswerHi Ed -
Yes. There are several alignment marks you will need to match up. The best way for both of us is for me to recommend you to a site where you can view to diagram of locations of these marks. Usually there are pointers on the head, and on the camshaft sprocket.
Try checking, or
Hope this helps -