Nissan Repair: 95 Quest Heater, haynes manual, orderly procedure
QuestionGood day;
I have a Quest that has the vent open it seems all the time. When I press any button the deflector works to direct the air to lower - mid or high range but I get almost no heat yet the rear heater works fine. I suspect a open vent door but do not know the procedure to get at the problem. I have been told that it is a 5 hr disassembly deal to get at the controls and locate the problem.. Can you describe for me the orderly procedure for R&R? the Air conditioning in summer works fine..
Thanks for your time - and if there is a reasonably priced book that I can get to follow the directions I would love to know about it?
I would remove the glovebox and check the actuator. Sounds like the blend door is not functioning. A Haynes Manual or a Factory Service Manual is the best for photographs. Basically, what you want to do is have someone run the controls while you watch the blend door and the vent door and the recycle/outside air door. Those are the three and it is just a matter of running the controls while you watch what moves. Then, figure out if the actuator is broken, the control is not moving the door or the linkage has come off. But, you need to remove the glovebox to get access to see what is going on. Removal of it only requires a screwdriver. Oh, the Haynes Manual is about $20 bucks and access to is $20 bucks an hour. So, if you want the factory PDF manual you have to download what you need in an hour. And, you will have to set up an account.