Nissan Repair: Re: Step down transformer for nissan FB14, speedometer shop, step down transformer
QuestionThe dash gauges have a transformer that steps down the 12 volts to something like 9 volts. My bet is the transformer is going out. The solution is to get that part replaced by a speedometer shop or get another one from a wrecking yard, been looking a the drawing for such and i cant identify the part, can you tell me exactly where it might be located on the vehicle? I am thankful for all the help rendered past.
On some it is on the back and later cars is internal or in the harness like a noise conditioner on a radio harness. The easy way, it will take some time, is to backprobe the harness at the connection and see what it is putting out. A factory service manual or a Haynes is good to get the rieing diagram. When doing this you might find that there is no power coming to the cluster. At that point you will need to trace the wire back to the fusebox for a switched ignition source.