QuestionQUESTION: I've bought a replacement mast for the electric antenna, but can't get the old one out. It was broken off, and I have taken the thing completely apart, and can't get the old mast out.
Depending on how the antenna broke you can use the power to run the antenna out. Then, unscrew the hut on the fender and pull it out the rest of the way. You do this while the antenna is motering out or what is left of it. The other way is to disassemble the antenna and motor and manually run the antenna out and pull what is left out. Install is the reverse of the removal. If the motor or the limit switch is burnt up the antenna will not work and it is easier to get another unit.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have taken the unit all the way apart, used pliers, penetrating oil, everything I can think of, to try and take the mast out. No luck I can hear the motor running, and it was working fine, until I drove through that carwash, with the really good song playing. Any other suggestions?
There are two things in play here. First the mast is bent and binding and will need to be pulled out with plyers after you remove the nut at the top of the fender. Second the plastic cord that drives the mast up and down is broken. I say this since you say the motor works. If the mast cannot be removed then you will have to replace the entire antenna.