I recently bought a 2004 Nissan Almera SVE 1.5 petrol model. I tried to start the engine but the locks on the doors and boot kept clicking and nothing was happening with the engine. The engine still won't start and only some of the door locks will open. Is this the reslt of a flat/dead battery or something more serious?
AnswerHi Jonathan -
First off, I would check the battery, and then the starter.
To check the battery, turn on the headlights, and try to start the car. If the lights dim, or go off completely, the battery needs replacing.
If the battery is OK,
To check the starter - Get a hammer and tap the starter while a helper is trying to start the car. If it starts, then the starter is defective. If it still does not start, then get a circuit tester (light type), and check voltage to the starter. The large terminal should have power to it. Have a helper turn the key as if to start the car. There should be power to the small terminal. If you have power to both, then replace the starter.
No power to the large terminal - check the fusible link and all the main circuit fuses in the engine (box is on the fender, in the engine compartment).
No power to the small terminal - check the ignition switch
Hope this helps -