Nissan Repair: 1997 Maxima Not Starting under certain conditions, neutral safety switch, auto body shop
So I got a used 1997 Nissan Maxima GLE recently and everything is running fantastic but sometimes when I go to start the car nothing happens. The radio and such turn on and the lights come on in the instrument panel but when I move the key to start no starter motor is sound just nothing.
After a while of tinkering I was thinking it is the immobilizer. Recently I have tried shifting the car from park to Neutral and it seems to start after that. But I cannot pinpoint it exactly. Happened two times tonight. Car starts fine after the starter motor starts. Better then my new mazda.
I guess my question is what could it be? Why is this happening? Engine Problem? Wiring(this happens rain or sun and random)? Also would you happen to have an idea if I bring it to an auto body shop if they could disable the immobilizer since it is a 10 year old car doubt anyone would want to steal it.
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Have you checked the neutral safety switch? If it starts regularly in "N", but not in "p", then it could be out of adjustment or needs replacing. Location is on the transmission where the linkage is attached.
Hope this helps -