Nissan Repair: nissan airbag fault, airbag system, nissan dealer
Questionmy airbag indicator light flash continuesly, car type nissans almera 1997 model wagon type
I cannot help on an airbag problem other than telling you to have someone with a airbag scanner to check the fault code. A body shop or a nissan dealer are the best place to have this done. A $100 dollar charge. You see, when the airbag light flashes there is a fault in the system and a code is set. There are liability issues so not too many folks have airbag scanners unless they are doing that kind of work. You can get killed or injured working with the airbag system so have the code read and go from there. There is a market for used parts and since yours is 11 years old you should be able to find replacement parts in the wrecking yard. But, have a professional install them unless you are trained in the craft. Then, get the code reset.