Nissan Repair: 1986.5 Nissan Hardbody No Fire, nissan hardbody, volt ohm meter

My nissan wont start. Basic dianosis has led me to the ignition system. I have no fire from my coils. I checked input power to the coils, and it is present on both coils. As soon as the key is turned to start the truck the 12V supply to the coils is cut to 0.. So I am assuming I have a short somewhere.. HELP PLease..


If the ignition relay or fuse is not blown I would say the distributor is defective.  Email me back and let me know if there is a square wave generated at the distributor, when the truck engine is turned over.  You will need a test light or a volt/ohm meter and hook it to the tach test lead and if the light does not pulse or the volt/ohm meter does not go from o to 12 volts then I would replace the distributor with a rebuilt unit.