QuestionI have a 1993 Nissan truck and the brake pedal does not seem to have any pressure. It pushes all the way down to the floor before the brakes start to work. I know the brake pads and rotors are fine. What do suggest I look at first, I would like to repair it myself.
AnswerHi Erica -
This is probably your master cylinder. First of all check the fluid in the master. If it is low, fill it and bleed the brakes at the wheels, one by one. If the level is fine or bleeding does not work, I would suggest to replace the master cylinder.
Replacement is pretty basic. Remove the brake lines, preferably using flange wrenches that wrap around the nut 80%. The remove the bolts that hold it to the brake booster. Sometime loosening the bolts first will help with the line removal.
Before installing the new master, I would suggest bench bleeding it. Place the master in a vice with the holes for the lines facing out. Fill the master with fluid. Have a helper hold these holes closed while you depress the piston with a screwdriver into the rear of the master. Press it all the way in, have the holes covered while you release it slowly (you should see the fluid level decrease if doing this properly). The uncover the holes and press down again, cover while releasing. Repeat this until all bubbles disappear. An alternative is to purchase a bleed kit at any parts store.
Installation is reverse of removal, and you should be good to go -
Let me know if you need more info -