Nissan Repair: Nissan breaks locking up, nissan pickup truck, proportion valve

QUESTION: My breaks on my 94 nissan pickup truck just started locking up. I have changed the brake calipers on both sides and the brake lines going to them. But for some reason they still continue to slowly lock up. Can you tell me what might be the problem?

ANSWER: Hi Todd -

First of all, are you speaking of the front or rear brakes? Is it both sides (left and right) or just one?

Loosen the bleed screw on the caliper that is locking up, check to see if fluid shoots out briefly. If so, then perhaps it could be a proportioning valve.

Please let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The front brakes are the one that are locking up. Where would the proportion valve be?

Hi Todd -

Proportioning valve is located along the firewall downstream from the master a bit. About 5 brake lines are attached to it. Sometimes there is a reset button on there that you can press, otherwise, perhaps bleeding the brakes would help.

Did you see if there is residual pressure in the line?
