Nissan Repair: 2001 nissan xterra wont go in reverse., nissan xterra, tow rope

QUESTION: I have an 2001 Nassan Xterra that wont go into reverse every since I pulled it home because it broke down. Now that I have the one problem fixed,the suv wont go into reverse. what could it be?

ANSWER: Hi Quinton -

Is this automatic or standard shift?

How was the vehicle towed home - on the back tires or front tires. or was a tow rope used? Was it in neutral? How many miles?

Please let me know -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It's an automatic. pulled from front with all tires on the ground pulled with tow rope. yes in neutral. About 38 miles in distance and then pulled the same way to repair shop about another 33 miles in distance. enough info?

Hi Quinton -

I am sorry, one more question. What was wrong with the vehicle that you had to tow it?

I am assuming the fluid level of the trans is OK. Check to see if it needs changing (does it smell burnt, or look brown instead of bright red?). If you have to change the oil, ensure you drain the torque converter too. I have used an additive in the past that has helped many. It is called AT205. It sells here at Carquest, I don;t know if your area has Carquest, or maybe another vendor has it. Anyway, I have seen this product fix "no shift" cars, not only in reverse, but drive as well. Might want to check it out.
