Nissan Repair: 2001 Nissan Sentra GXE Gas cap lock, nissan sentra gxe, nissan sentra
QuestionI went to the gas station today and when I pulled the gas cap lock release lever by the driver's seat it didn't work - why? Also My ignitionis starting to lock if I am not careful to ease the key out befire teh ock poistion. When that locks up it takes 10 minutes of sterring wheel and key jiggling to release and allow the key to turn. Are these related? Thank you.
AnswerHi Claire -
Both are unrelated.
The ignition - looks like you have to replace the ignition lock assembly (different from the ignition cylinder). It is binding on you.
The gas door - Try lubricating the lock at the door. Spray some WD40 where the plunger comes out to release the door. If this does not work, then the cable needs replacement. I do not think this is adjustable, but if it is, the cable needs tightening.
Hope this helps -