QuestionQUESTION: i found you buy typing in 1997 nissan wont crank.
i read a question that has similar characteristics as mine. It was cranking up and running , but after warming up all the way , would cut up real bad to the point of dying. at first it would crank again , but now it wont crank at all . I bought the truck from a guy that guy that got a D.u.I , and it had been sitting for over two years . i got almost all of the gas out of it , and put 4 gallons of 93 octane in it . Changed the plugs , and it cranked but did want to stay running . now it will not crank again . It almost seems as if it isnt getting enough spark , can you help? thank you
ANSWER: Terry,
Replace the distributor first and if that does not work email me back.
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QUESTION: The whole distributor? or just the cap and rotor?
ANSWER: Terry,
If you take the cap, rotor, rotor post and distributor cover off you will see the optical shutter wheel and LED pickup and receiver. If there is oil on any of it replace the distributor with a new one. The shaft seal on the distributor fails and contaminates the trigger and then you have a missfire. Check it out and email me back if you have more questions. A rebuilt distributor is the answer.
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QUESTION: thanks for the quick responses , i didnt think i was going to be able to work on it today because we were right in the hurricane storm path , but it has fizzled out to nothing now , im going to go out and check it. Where is the best place to buy a rebuilt one?
AnswerTerry, for an online source is really cheap. Otherwise, the local parts store. Also, if you did not drain the gas tank prior to adding fuel I would do so and then fill with good gas and a fuel treatment like STP. You will probably have to use starting fluid to get it going. Also, replace the fuel filter.