Nissan Repair: 201 nissan sentra engine shuts of while driving /car wont start, crank shaft position sensor, nissan sentra gxe
QuestionHi, my 2001 Nissan sentra gxe is having trouble starting , even if it starts its idling rpm drops and car shuts of , then when i try again it starts and the after 5-10 minutes while driving the engine shuts off. I read comments that changing the CRANK SHAFT POSITION SENSOR would solve the problem but even after changing it ,its giving me the same problem ... what is the problem ? My mechanic says there is no probs as his comp readout doesnt show any nor does the car starts acting that way ..Help
AnswerHi Sabina -
Try replacing the ignition module. This is located in the distributor. Because the distributor gets really hot during car operation, the micro circuits within the module fail, killing the engine, and usually the engine will not start until it cools down a bit.
Hope this helps -