Nissan Repair: Ignition fuse, infinity q45, fuel pump
QuestionQUESTION: Hi I just recently had some work done on my 1991 Infinity Q45.Its been running fine for about a week but now when i go to start the car the ignition fuse blows out. What could be causing this?
ANSWER: Hi Lani -
I need to know what kind of work was done. Looks like you have a short somewhere in the ignition circuit. Does the fuse blow when you turn the ignition on? Or does ot blow when you turn the key?
Please get back to me -
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I had the fuel pump replaced and there was a wire that needed replaced on the fuel pump. The fuse blows when I turn the key.
AnswerHi Lani -
Try disconnecting the wire that they replaced and see if the fuse still blows when the ignition is turned on. This will tell you if the short is caused by the repair. If the fuse does not blow, then i would have whoever fixed it pick the car up and do the repair. Should be covered under their warranty for repair. When you turn the ignition on power already is going to the fuel pump to pressurize the system, so there is a good chance that the new wiring needs to be looked at.